
By PedroCain

7 Graduation “Grads Photography” Tips

Photography for Grads

Grads photography is a life-changing event. Here are 7 tips for grads photographers to get amazing shots. Graduation is an important life event for students and their families. Graduation is a time for celebrations, recognition of achievements, and parties.

Use a DSLR Camera or Point & Shoot Camera

Smartphones are used for the majority of social events. Smartphones can be used to take photos for social media sharing and uploading, but they are not able to produce high quality prints or enlargements. You will need images that are easy to print and frame for graduation. We recommend leo’s photography using a Digital SLR camera (DSLR), or worse, a Point & Shoot.

A DSLR camera is better than a smartphone, and offers greater flexibility and picture quality. You’ll be able to see that some of our recommended settings for grads photography are not available on smartphones.

Get to Know your Camera Settings Inside and out!

Be prepared to deal with fast moving subjects and different lighting conditions (such as the cap toss). It is important to take the time to get to know your camera before you go to the graduation ceremony. Do not procrastinate. Grad photography day is not the best time cake smash photography to learn how to use your camera and what settings you should be using. If necessary, locate the manual and mark key pages. Try to purchase a new camera at least a week in advance if you plan on buying it. Before the ceremony, practice using your new camera.

Take high Resolution Images

Always shoot at the highest resolution (preferably RAW). The JPEG compressed format is used to save digital photos. The data in compressed JPEG files cannot be recovered. JPEG files can also be edited using photo editing software such as Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop after compression, but there are restrictions.

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Establishing Shots

An establishing shot is a shot that establishes the scene’s context by displaying the relationships between the important characters and objects. These opening shots can be used to inform viewers about the scene, including where it is taking place. You might consider taking photos of the graduation announcement, the cap & gown on a hanger (see next tip), the school sign and decorations before the party or a cake.

Photograph the Gown

Each school has its colors. If your loved one is graduating from high school with special honors they will be wearing honor cords that are colorful to show their appreciation. Take a picture of the gown, with all the school colors visible. A window, a lamp, or a flash can all be used to capture the gown.

Grads photography Ceremony Shots

It can be difficult to take photos at grads photography ceremonies. Sometimes it’s better to let a professional photographer take the photos. If you are up for the challenge, however, you will find that lighting isn’t always the best. You’ll likely be too far from the podium to flash your flash.