
By PedroCain

Hotelier Tips – The Importance of the Hotel Bar

There is no single thing that makes a good hotel. Good service, clean spacious rooms and a decent restaurant are a must, and while many of the top hotels around the world are packed with swimming pools, gyms and spas, these are not the things most people want from a good hotel.

Any businessman, salesperson or weekend guest, just wants somewhere clean, friendly and welcoming to lay their head of an evening. However, there is one thing that most customers expect of any hotel, no matter the size, rating or location – a good hotel bar.

No matter what the size of hotel, guest house or bed and breakfast, you should never underestimate the importance of the hotel bar. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have the space or resources for a pool, spa or gym, every hotel, no matter the size needs a good well equipped hotel bar.

Having somewhere to relax and perhaps have a chat with other guests is all part of the hotel experience and most guests make use of the hotel bar at some point in their stay.

You don’t need a large cocktail bar equipped with every imaginable drink either. If you only have a small space you can still run a good and inviting bar in your hotel just by remembering a few things when you are setting it up.

Ensure the bar is well stocked. Not having enough drinks is a mortal sin for anyone running a bar so ensure you have enough in. You don’t need a vast array or beers wines and spirits either. If you are running a small bar stick to the basics. As long as you have the basic beers, spirits and a couple of good wines there will be something for everybody.

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Make sure you have a good bar equipment supplier. Making sure you have enough glasses, cork screws and other bar equipment is just as important as ensuring you have enough drinks. Its a good idea when setting up a hotel bar to choose a bar equipment supplier who has a good range of stock as no matter how ell prepared you are, you may never no what you may need in the future so having a hotel and bar equipment supplier you can trust is important.